Explore our courses
at Branches Atelier Institute.

Toilet Learning

“Toilet Learning”

In this course, we will explore the natural process of toilet learning. You will gain an understanding of what it is and how to support your child through the process.

Social Skills

“Preparing You and Your Child For Preschool or Kindergarten”

A six point plan for preparing you and your child for Preschool or Kindergarten.

“The ‘mind blown’ emoji perfectly captures how I feel every time I take one of these courses. Quite literally, they make my heart burst with joy and inspiration for the possibilities presented for classroom and home.”

-Mary L., Educator / Mom of 3

Social Skills

“Developing Social Skills at Home to Support Your Child at School”

This course will help you learn many different, teacher tested ways to support and develop your child’s social skills at home, which will also support your child at school.

“I enjoyed everything very much. There was so much information I did not know. I have been in the field for over 25 years and in this approach for the last 5 years, and I learned so much. I am always looking for webinars to enrich myself as a professional.”

-Veronica Hendricks , Parent/Educator

Persona Dolls

“Life at School”

During this 17-part video course, we will recreate different persona doll scenarios that reflect important topics that come up in children’s lives.

Persona Dolls

“Life at Home”

During this 16-part video course, we will recreate different persona doll scenarios that reflect the important life issues that come up at home.

“Once I became a parent, I knew I wanted to send my daughters to Branches Atelier to support their growth and development as much as my own. Our family has gained so much from our experience at Branches, including the parent support we received during infant and toddler classes, numerous opportunities to attend workshops to support our growth as parents, and a connection to an incredible group of families that I now consider my chosen family. My daughters have received a beautiful beginning to their educational journeys and I am forever grateful to Branches Atelier and Patricia McGrath for that gift.”

Alia Arbas, Educator/Art Therapist

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